Can hardly wait for April 1

The day after President’s Day is when the Tour of Honor start sending out rally flags, t-shirts, and other swag along with the rules. This meant that packages would be in the mail on the 19th of February, 2019.

We have had some rather rough weather the last few days which led to some serious flooding. I wasn’t expecting a package in my mailbox yesterday (Feb 21, 2019), but very happy that it was there!

My shirt and Rally flag!

As I went through everything, I found some business cards. Rather simple, just said “Tour of Honor”. BUT, there was a little note with the cards. I could order custom cards! I go through the process and makes some edits on the stock cards. Work to get to the checkout and past all the pages of “don’t you want this too” ads. Get past putting in my payment and finally to the submit order page. Wait! There is someone else’s order there too! I select the “remove” the other person’s cards, refresh the page. Then both mine cards and their cards are gone. What happened. I start again, add my cards to the order, get to submit. Mine are gone and someone else’s cards are there! AARRGGHH!!! OK, the problem is that there are several people that want custom cards. The login that was on the note was shared with everyone. Ends up that there were a couple of us trying order cards at the same time. The site we were using couldn’t handle multiple people using the same login at the same time. At least people weren’t supposed to save their payment info, that would have been a bad thing. I decide to wait and order my cards when there is less chance that others are trying to order on-line at the same time.

I come back this morning. I see that there is an order in the shopping cart. I log out and wait a bit. When I come back, the other person has processed their order and the shopping cart is empty. I make one minor edit to my custom card, add to the shopping cart, and get my order processed.

Got my flag in the bike’s tour pack with clips. Checked out locations on the bike to attach the flag when I visit sites. Started reviewing the additional sites, got them all loaded into my mapping software.

Now, I just have to be patient. There will be at least one additional ride sites that will be announced on April 1. The same time when the Tour of Honor sites are announced.

I can’t take a long ride on April 1 since I have to be back that evening. I can head out for a day or two on Tuesday (April 2). Guess that will give me Monday (April 1) to plan out my ride(s) for the rest of the week.

Wishing that April 1 would get here a little faster.

March 31, 2019. 9:00pm CDT. As I sit here waiting for 11:00pm for the new sites to be released, I wonder how many others are waiting impatiently. I can’t go for anything more than a short ride tomorrow (April 1) since I have an errand to run and I need to drop off the bike at the shop for a recall. I also have another obligation for tomorrow evening. BUT, April 2 I am ready to roll! I will use April 1 to see if I can squeeze in a Tour Of Honor Saddle Sore, Maybe get all sites in Alabama, Mississippi, or Tennessee? Nothing planned that requires me to be home April 2 through April 5. I do have to be home on Saturday the 6th.

I am planning to ride to the HOG Cajun Rally April 11-14, so I will try to get a few (maybe all) in Louisiana. Later in April into May, I need to run to Virginia. I will try to see how many sites I can visit there.

I am READY for the sites and additional ride to be posted in 2 hrs.